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RedWitch 05-07-2010 17.27.56

Captain Nemo
Under the surface so crystal clear
Everyone was really tense
Waiting down there
He had his own world just like I had mine
We'll go seperate ways 'til the next time
There are no words to say
As my friend swims away
Captain Nemo said, "Okay"
(Five, four, three, two, one)
Then I raised my hand and waved
Captain Nemo went away
(Love me when I'm gone)
Left 'em all alone, Nemo's going home
And as I watched him, police boats approached
An alien force haunting us like ghosts
"Wish I could stay here and play for a while
But I must be on my way ..."
The warmest of smiles
Then he dived into the waves
Among the other whales
Captain Nemo said, "Okay"
(Five, four, three, two, one)
Then I raised my hand and waved
Captain Nemo went away
(Love me when I'm gone)
Left 'em all alone, Nemo's going home
Captain Nemo said, "Okay"
(Five, four, three, two, one)
Then I raised my hand and waved
Captain Nemo went away
(Love me when I'm gone)
Left 'em all alone, Nemo's going home
Captain Nemo said, "Okay"
(Five, four, three, two, one)
Then I raised my hand and waved
Captain Nemo went away
(Love me when I'm gone)
Left 'em all alone, Nemo's going home
Captain Nemo said, "Okay"
(Five, four, three, two, one)
Then I raised my hand and waved
Captain Nemo went away
(Love me when I'm gone)
Left 'em all alone, Nemo's going home

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